воскресенье, 3 марта 2013 г.

Individual Reading. Summary №3

After a while, the narrator meets Strickland who changed into a shabby, extremely thin man without normal human feelings, but with the only passion in his life – painting. Charles cares nothing for physical discomfort and is indifferent to his surroundings. Besides, when he finishes his pictures he quickly loses interest in them. The narrator, in his turn, settles in Paris to write a new play.

On Christmas Eve Dirk asks the narrator to go and search for Strickland for they have not seen him for a month. Finally, they find him seriously ill. Unable to bear the thought that Strickland will spend Christmas in bed, alone and without money, Dirk decides to bring him to his house in spite of the fact that Mrs. Stroeve hates Charles. However, she agrees and the couple spends their days nursing Strickland. But after the latter fully recovers, it turns out that Dirk’s wife fell in life with him, forcing Dirk to go away from his flat. The narrator is shocked to hear that, but Dirk explains that because he loves his wife more than anything he let them live in his house (he is afraid that Mrs. Stroeve will suffer in poverty with Strickland). So Mr. Stroeve lost his wife.

1 комментарий:

    ... Dirk’s wife fell in LOVE with him, forcing Dirk to go away from his flat.
    THUS, Mr. Stroeve LOSES his wife.
